Special Programs
- One Semester
- 1 credit
- Grade 11-12
- Must submit Work Based Learning online application
This semester-long job shadowing program, offered in partnership with Ballad Health, provides students with an immersive experience across various careers in the medical field. Students will rotate through 15 different healthcare placements, gaining firsthand exposure to a wide array of roles, including the emergency room, same-day surgery, oncology, and more. This unique opportunity is designed to help students explore potential career paths within the healthcare industry and make informed decisions about their future. No previous medical courses or experience is necessary.
- One Semester
- 1 credit
- Grade 11-12
- Must submit online application and have a minimum GPA of 3.0, attendance rate of 90% the previous term and acceptable discipline record
Peer tutoring is an opportunity for students who are excited and willing to help other students. Students who are interested in peer tutoring will be assigned to working in one of the following settings: CDC (comprehensive developmental class) classroom, 1:1 in the general education setting (academic class), 1:1 or small group in an elective or CTE class (Culinary, PE, Visual Arts, Theater, etc.). Student preferences as to what setting they would like to be placed will be taken into consideration. A reflective journal will be completed and turned into supervising teacher each 9 weeks.
- One Semester
- No credit
- Grade 12
- Must submit online application and have a minimum GPA of 3.0, 90% attendance rate in previous term, and acceptable discipline record. Student must be on track to graduate.
Student Worker is a non-credit course offered to seniors, which may affect graduation or athletic eligibility. Students will be placed in high-need areas within the school to provide assistance to staff. Parent will be notified that a request for a non-credit class is being made.
- One Semester
- 1 credit
- Grade 11-12
- Must submit online application and have a minimum GPA of 3.0, 90% attendance rate in previous term, and acceptable discipline record.
Students will assist daily with tech team responsibilities, including, but not limited to, Chromebook issues, Canvas, Google Docs, and instructional opportunities. Reflective journal entry to be completed and submitted to supervising teacher.
- One Semester
- 1 credit
- Grade 11-12
- Must submit online application
Work Based Learning: Career Practicum is a capstone course intended to provide students with opportunities to apply the skills and knowledge learned in previous CTE and general education courses within a professional work environment. The course allows students to earn high school credit for select models of work-based learning, which allow students to interact with industry professionals in order to extend and deepen classroom work and support the development of postsecondary and career readiness knowledge and skills. For more information, visit the Work Based Learning website.
Last Updated: February 3, 2025