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Topper Tech Team (T3)

Our T3 members are available each class period for assistance with Chromebook issues. Problems could include broken screens, OS messages, failure to reboot, damaged keyboards, devices not charging, etc. The team members are trained to solve a variety of problems, but should the device need the assistance of the JCS Techs, it will be taken for repair. This allows the student to become a Day User until the device is repaired. Loaners are available from 7:25 a.m.-3 p.m. each day.

To apply to be part of the Topper Tech Team, please click here.


What's the process?

When someone turns in a device for repair, here are the normal steps:

  • A work order is completed on the device by at T3 member, including info on the existing problem.

  • The library staff documents the details in Destiny on accounts for the student and the device.

  • The repairs may be completed while the student waits, or the device will be returned to the library when repairs are made.

  • The in-person student has the option to become a temporary Day User, but the device must be returned by 3 p.m., that same day.

  • Depending on the damage or other issues, the LMC staff may assign another Chromebook to replace the one being repaired.

  • Students who leave their computer for repairs should be able to pick it up when they return their Day Use Loaner Chromebook.

  • Should the device be returned to the factory for repairs, another Chromebook will be issued to the student.

  • VIRTUAL students should contact the Main Office, 232-2190, for information about dropping off and picking up a device.

  • For more information, please see Mrs. Timbs.

What is the Topper Tech Team (T3)?

The tech team is a group of high school students who have been hand-picked and trained to tutor students, faculty, and staff on the use of Chromebooks, Canvas, Google Suite,  and other apps used in a variety of academic settings. They are also trained to repair broken screens and take care of many other issues with the functionality of the devices.

When is the Topper Tech Team (T3) available?

Members of the tech team are available each class period and during lunches in the library. You are free to see them during the school day, as available, (with a hall pass from your teacher), or during your lunch shift.

Could I join the Topper Tech Team?

If you are interested in becoming a member of the tech team, you should talk to the library staff, tech team, or JC School technicians. Each year, when registering for classes, T3 will be offered as a one-credit course. The course description can be found in the Program of Studies on the SHHS webpage. Applicants will be required to fill out an application and have maintained other necessary requirements including grade point average, attendance, and recommendation from current Science Hill teachers. For access to the requirements and application, scan one of the Topper Tech Team posters around the school prior to registration or come by the library for more information.


When Chromebook will not turn on


Fixes for '400 Bad Request' Error


Last updated: July 30, 2024